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About your exam

Get a clear understanding of what to expect from your on-screen written exam

Your exam will follow the structure set out in the exam guide. However, it will be delivered in an on-screen format and invigilated remotely through security checks and recording and monitoring of you taking the exam.

The on-screen format will involve typing your answers.

The supplementary information and tax tables will be provided within the onscreen exam.

An on-screen scientific calculator will also be provided, or you can use your own physical non-programmable calculator.

Prohibited cross

The use of all other electronic devices is expressly prohibited.

This includes any of the following:

  • Mobile phones (including iPhones/smartphones)
  • All watches (including but not limited to smart watches)
  • Smart glasses and similar devices
  • Electronic equipment capable of communicating or being programmed to hold alphabetical or numerical data and/or formulae. 


Please find below a series of video guides and walkthroughs, to help you better understand our remote invigilation process.


Exam familiarisation

Find out how we help you prepare and familiarise yourself with the PSI exam platform.

Secure browser

You will be required to download a Secure Browser add-on prior to testing. This is an extra layer of security that will ensure no other application is open during the exam. You can access the download link through the exam scheduling site 30 minutes before your exam.