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Exam preparation

If you are looking for in-house exam preparation at any level, we can help. The CII can support small or larger groups with live virtual exam revision workshops across all our examination units.

Insurance Technical Development

In addition to exam preparation, we provide a wide range of insurance technical training courses designed to ensure relevant knowledge is up to date and able to be applied practically in the workplace.

Bespoke solutions

We also regularly consult with our customers to combine, customise, and curate learning programmes that are individual to your business needs. We can support everything from short CPD refresher courses through to in depth Advanced Diploma programmes.

By working with the CII to meet your learning needs you access a network of subject experts who are true specialists in their field. We work with qualified development professionals who are both highly skilled at sharing their knowledge with their delegates and experts in training delivery, to always ensure engaging learning and positive business impact.

We can support your business with off-the-shelf courses for those studying our financial services units, our insurance units or those looking to develop their knowledge in a wide variety of technical areas.

Working closely with your CII Relationship Manager to understand your vision and objectives, we consult with you to ensure the training we provide delivers the results you need.

Expert virtual training delivery in a digital age

All trainers engaged by the CII are proficient in online training delivery. We believe that skilfully delivered virtual training delivery is a highly efficient and effective medium. It's also kinder to the environment than traditional classroom training. We ensure our courses are specifically designed for virtual delivery to maintain engagement and maximise learning. 

Our approach is to offer all courses using Microsoft Teams. Should you have a specific requirement for in-house classroom delivery however, please let us know.

To discuss your learning needs

Your CII Relationship Manager would be delighted to explore your learning needs and can draw on the expertise within the CII Learning Solutions team to support you further. 

Please speak with your Relationship manager in the first instance or contact for more information.

Course categories

Choose from our available options below:

Personal Finance Revision Courses

Accelerate your exam performance with our online interactive revision workshops.


General Insurance Revision courses

Grasp the essential areas of an exam syllabus to boost your existing knowledge.

International Training Courses

Certificated courses to support your professional development needs.

Technical Workshops

Refresh your existing knowledge or develop new skills.

Management, Leadership & Skills

Enhance your Management, Leadership and Skills to optimise your personal performance, lead your team effectively and strengthen your business