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Recognition of prior learning

To complete CII qualifications more quickly, you may be eligible to exemptions if you have completed other professional bodies' or universities' qualifications.

To be eligible for prior learning towards CII’s regulated qualifications, the non-CII qualification must be recognised by a regulator. It must also match CII learning outcomes and assessment. The full list of requirements appears in the prior learning scheme rules.

Each CII qualification has its own completion requirements, so please familiarise yourself with these before embarking on your qualification journey and applying for prior learning.

Your personalised CII learning statement will confirm your current qualification passes and any exemptions you have claimed. It will also help you identify the remaining units required for your target qualification(s).

You cannot complete a CII qualification wholly through prior learning, even if you receive exemptions from all CII units. In all cases, the unit(s) you pass through direct CII assessment must be at the level of the CII qualification or above.

The case studies illustrate how prior learning can contribute towards CII qualifications.

Follow these 5 steps to apply. If you simply want an indication of your eligibility to a prior learning award, you need only complete step 1.

Step 1 - Check your eligibility (1 minute)

Step 2 - Get your supporting documentation certified

Step 3 - Make your application on-line (5-10 minutes)

Step 4 - CII verifies your supporting evidence and confirms next steps (15 working days)*

Step 5 - Claim your prior learning award offer (purchase within 30 days)

Once you have paid the fee, your CII learning record will be updated within 24-48 hours. You can view this on your updated learning statement.

* Step 4: CII aims to confirm next steps within 15 working days of receiving applications. This may take longer for complex applications.

Prior learning awards can and do change over time so we recommend that you apply promptly after completing your non-CII qualifications.

Application process and fees

How the application process works, details of the fees and important tips for preparing your application.

Check your eligibility and apply

Search our online exemptions database before you make your application.


Answers to your questions about the recognition of prior learning scheme.