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- Format Preference: {{prod.Format}}
- Language: {{prod.Language}}
- Edition: {{prod.Edition}}
- Enrolment Preference: {{prod.EnrolmentType}}
Discretionary Investment Management (J10) starts by looking at the investment advice process and establishing the client relationship - the aims and objectives, risk profile, investment objectives and analysing the client’s financial position.
Asset classes, investment strategies and investment wrappers are covered next, including the main asset classes – cash, bonds, equities and property, alternative investments and derivatives and investment tax wrappers. The Role of the investment manager is then considered, followed by discretionary and advisory management.
The study text moves on to look at investment funds, the economic environment, investment returns and investment risk. Portfolio theory – principles and limitations is considered, followed by measuring portfolio performance and understanding investment data. We then look at financial mathematics and sources of information – uses and limitations.
At the end of this unit, candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
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Study material - editions available
2024-25 edition (applicable to exams sat 01 Sep 2024 to 31 Aug 2025)
Format: {{prod.Format}}
Edition: {{prod.Edition}}
These updates are Learning Solutions updates for study purposes.
2024-25 edition
Study text updates:
Chancellor's Budget/Statement and tax tables updates for 2024-25 edition:
Testing position
Financial Ombudsman Service Award Limit Change
Changes to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) award limits come into effect on 1 April 2024. Examinations will be reflective of these changes from 1 July 2024.
Capital Gains Tax
Changes to the Capital Gains Tax rate specific to the tax year 2024/2025 came into effect on 30 October 2024. Examinations will be reflective of these changes from 30 January 2025.
The J10 Examination Guide for exams from 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023 was first published in June 2022. Any questions which have been amended since the examination guide was first published will appear below.