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Supporting exam documents

On this page you can find copies of additional information which is provided in your examination and details of additional information sent to you beforehand.

You should always read the information provided in the examination carefully and use it to answer the examination questions.  

Please note you will not be able to take this additional information with you into your examination. It will be provided, as detailed below, in the examination.

The documents available on this page are provided for study purposes only. We make every effort to ensure they reflect exactly the information you will receive in the examination. However, it is possible that some detailed rates, figures etc., may differ.

The information provided depends on the unit being examined and for some units no additional information is given during, or prior to, the examination.

Tax Tables - 2024-2025 testing period

The tax tables below are provided for candidates taking examinations from 30 January 2025 to 31 August 2025.

CF1, LP2, R01, R02, R03, R04, R05, R07, J10 and J12 tax tables 2024-2025 (PDF)

The tax tables below are provided for candidates taking examinations from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025.

Post Autumn 2024 Budget AF1, AF4, AF5, AF6, AF7, AF8, J02, J05, J09 and R06 tax tables 2024-2025 (PDF)


The Lender's Criteria below are provided for candidates taking examinations from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025.

CF6 Lender's Criteria and Product List (PDF)

The Lender's Criteria below are provided for candidates taking examinations from 30 January 2025 to 31 August 2025.

CF6 Lender's Criteria and Product List (PDF)


The AF5 fact-find will contain client information which will form the basis of the report you will be required to prepare in the examination. You will not be able to take a copy of the fact-find into the examination with you. The fact-find will be provided in the online examination. There will not be any new or different information contained within the fact-find.

AF5 February 2025 Fact-find (PDF)


AF7 examinations will have the following supplementary information technical resource sheet provided in the examination.

AF7 Supplementary information - technical resource sheet 2024-25 (PDF)


The R06 case studies contain client information which will form the basis of the examination questions. You will not be able to take a copy of the case studies into the examination with you. The case studies will be provided in the online examination. There will not be any new or different information contained within the case studies. The examination questions will focus on the client's financial objectives identified from the case studies and will be supplied as part of the examination. You should spend some time studying the information contained within the case studies to familiarise yourself with the client's circumstances and to consider possible solutions before the examination.

R06 January 2025 Case Studies (PDF)

Supplementary information

A summary of the client's key financial objectives will be supplied as part of the examination. You should spend some time studying this information before you commence your financial plan.

Compound interest

Compound interest tables are NOT provided in examinations (including R06). Candidates are expected to be able to perform compound interest calculations using the appropriate formulae and should prepare accordingly. A calculator capable of carrying out compound interest calculations can be used for this purpose. If you are sitting your examination on screen, a suitable calculator will be provided and you are also allowed to use your own non-programmable calculator. The use of electronic equipment capable of being programmed to hold alphabetical or numerical data and/or formulae is prohibited. You may use a financial or scientific calculator provided it meets these requirements.