Results information
- Results are available in the Bookings and Results section of your MyCII page. For security and Data Protection purposes results will not be issued by post, phone, fax or email.
- For on-screen written exams and written exams delivered on paper, results will be released by 08:45 (UK time) on the published release date.
- For on-screen multiple-choice exams these will normally be available on MyCII within 24 hours of you completing your exam.
Coursework and dissertations
- Results are available in the Bookings and Results section of your MyCII page.
- You will normally be notified by email when your result is available to view in the Bookings and Results section of your MyCII page but in all instances please check the Bookings and Results section of your MyCII page when your result is due to be available.
- Follow the link in the email and log in to view your result or login here and go to the Bookings and Results section.
- For security and Data Protection purposes results will not be issued by phone, fax or email, they will only be available through MyCII.
- For coursework, results will normally be available within 63 calendar days of submission and for dissertations, results will be normally be available within 73 calendar days of submission.
- Please note for mixed assessment units, learners must pass one coursework assignment and one multiple-choice question (MCQ) exam within the 18 months enrolment period to achieve a pass in the unit.
Pass marks
The standard pass marks are shown in the table below. Further information on understanding your exam result. All candidates who reach the required standard for the appropriate exam will pass. The CII does not operate a policy of setting a quota of candidates who will be passed. You do not have to pass all the questions to achieve an overall pass grade but you do have to gain enough marks in total to reach the pass mark.
Unit | Standard pass mark |
Diploma and Advanced Diploma written examination units | 55% (except AF7 60%) |
Diploma multiple choice examination units | 65% |
Certificate and Award multiple choice examination units | 70% |
Coursework Assignment and Dissertation Pass marks
The following pass marks apply to individual assignments:
- Units 530, 820, 930, 945, 960, 990, 991, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, AF6, AF8: 50%
- Unit J09: 65%
- Units M05, M21, M80, M81, M85, M86, M66, M67, M90, M91, M92, M93, M94, M96, M97, M98: 60%
The pass mark for dissertations is 50%.
Result and feedback
On screen multiple choice exams
MyCII shows your score and indicates what percentage of available marks you gained for questions testing each learning outcome of the syllabus. Please note: You cannot calculate your score by averaging these percentages. Learning outcomes are weighted according to a test specification. The syllabus and test specification can be found on the unit shop page.
On-screen and paper-based written exams
MyCII shows your score. Feedback can be viewed by pressing the 'View Feedback' button. The right hand column of the feedback table lists questions in which you scored less than 50% of the available marks. Please note for on-screen and paper-based written exams 50% is not the pass mark. Questions where you scored less than 50% of the available marks are listed to provide you with an indication of areas to focus on for future studies.
Coursework units |
General Insurance 530 Explaining your assignment or dissertation result notification (PDF) 820 Explaining your assignment or dissertation result notification (PDF) 930 Explaining your assignment or dissertation result notification (PDF) 945 Explaining your assignment or dissertation result notification (PDF) 960 Explaining your assignment or dissertation result notification (PDF) 990 Explaining your assignment or dissertation result notification (PDF) 992 Explaining your assignment or dissertation result notification (PDF) 993 Explaining your assignment or dissertation result notification (PDF) 995 Explaining your assignment or dissertation result notification (PDF) 996 Explaining your assignment or dissertation result notification (PDF) 997 Explaining your assignment or dissertation result notification (PDF) |
Financial Services AF6 Explaining your assignment result notification (PDF) |
Diploma in Insurance -The coursework element of mixed assessment: The feedback is the mark you achieved on each question within the assignment. |
Feedback Comments Feedback comments for an unsuccessful attempt are accessible through RevisionMate and are currently only available for:
Once your result has been received on MyCII, please login to RevisionMate to view your Turnitin report which will include your feedback comments if you have not passed. The ‘Assignment feedback information’ document is available to you through your RevisionMate account; this includes some FAQs on using the feedback comments. Please be mindful of your assignment deadlines and the marking turnaround time to make full use of your feedback comments. You should download and retain your feedback because you won't have access to it once your course expires. This service is only available to candidates:
You can still purchase a post-results review of marking for a report on areas for improvement within 35 calendar days of receiving your result, if required. If you have any questions on accessing your feedback comments please contact us with your CII PIN at Original content and referencing – the originality of your assignment and use of referencing can affect the marks awarded:
Please see the respective coursework or dissertation guidelines and instructions document(s) and this short video for details on how to reference. |
Record of achievements/certificates
Record of achievement (ROA)
A ROA will be issued for every unit passed. These will be sent directly to your MyCII account usually within 4 working days of your coursework, mixed assessment or dissertation result being issued or on-screen multiple choice exam being taken. For on-screen written exams the ROA will be available on the day of the results release schedule date. You will receive email confirmation informing you that your ROA’s are now accessible via your MyCII account. Please ensure your email address is up to date.
Completion of a qualification
You can access your certificates on the CII Dashboard when logged in. Your qualification and membership certificates can be found in the "Certificates” section. Your qualification certificate will typically be in MyCII by the end of two calendar weeks following confirmation that the unit pass or prior learning award, that leads to completion of the qualification, has been applied to your record. Quality assurance processes mean that in some cases it can take up to 30 days for your qualification certificate to be issued but if your certificate is not available in MyCII after two calendar weeks please let us know. We will send you an email when you have gained a new qualification certificate. Your membership certificate will be available as soon as you become a member and remain visible for as long as your membership is valid. It will update to reflect any changes in membership level.
If we receive a bounce back from your email address, we will send you a letter, but it’s important that you have a valid personal (not business) email address registered with us – you can change this in your CII Dashboard.
If there is no digital certificate for an historic qualification on your dashboard then you should continue to use your original paper certificate as evidence of achievement.
Replacement ROAs / certificates
Replacement ROAs
All ROA’s from January 2017 are recorded on your MyCII account.
Replacement ROAs prior to Jan 2017 / certificates
Can be supplied and will include wording that shows they are a replacement. Please contact Customer Service for full details.
On-screen written examinations and written examinations delivered on paper
Examiners are selected for their relevant and up to date knowledge and experience and have been specifically trained to mark exams in accordance with carefully laid down criteria.
The CII adheres to a positive marking policy to ensure that candidates are treated fairly. Full marks are given if a candidate has provided a complete answer according to the marking scheme. Full credit is also given for alternative answers that are equally valid but not given in the marking scheme.
Marks are not withheld for bad spelling. If a candidate has attempted more than the required number of optional questions and has not indicated clearly which answers should be disregarded, all the answers are marked, and the best marks are awarded.
For questions involving numerical calculations, the bulk of the marks are awarded for the correct method being used; only a minority of the marks being awarded for the final answer.
Quality assurance processes are in place to ensure that marking is accurate and consistent and that exam standards are maintained over time.
Responses cannot be returned to you under any circumstances.
On-screen multiple-choice examinations
A standard format multiple choice question consists of a problem followed by four options or answers (labelled A, B, C and D) from which the candidate must choose the correct or best response. Each question contains only one correct response. One mark is awarded for each correct response identified. No mark is awarded if the candidate chooses an incorrect response, chooses more than one response or fails to choose any response. No marks are deducted for an incorrect response.
A multiple response format question consists of a problem, followed by between four to six options. For each question more than one option is correct. Candidates must select all the correct options to gain the mark.
On-screen multiple-choice examinations are automatically marked by computer. The pass mark is pre-set.
Quality assurance processes with inbuilt checks are in place to ensure that marking is accurate and that exam standards are maintained over time.
Responses cannot be returned to you under any circumstances.
Coursework and mixed assessment coursework assignments and dissertations
The CII has a very strict system of checks which ensures that all coursework assignments and dissertations are properly marked and quality assured. Quality assurance processes are in place to ensure that marking is accurate and consistent and that assessment standards are maintained over time.
Markers are selected for their relevant and up to date knowledge and experience and have been specifically trained to mark coursework assessment in accordance with carefully laid down criteria.
Marks are not withheld for bad spelling, however poor grammar could influence the mark allocated to application and analysis of information.