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Search tips

Learn a few tips to help you find the information you need:

To search for an exact phrase, use quotes:


Combine the terms of your search with AND, OR, NOT:

AND - by default, all terms are combined with AND, so it is not necessary to add it.

Boolean And

OR - Use to broaden your search. You will retrieve the documents that contain one of the terms listed. 

Boolean Or

NOT - Use to search for documents that contain the first word but not the second.

To search for variations of a word:

  • Use a question mark (?) in place of a letter; for example, if your write 'organi?ation', you will retrieve 'organisation' as well as 'organization' 
  • Use an asterisk (*) at the end of a word prompts a search for words that have the same root or beginning. For example, type in 'comput*'  to search for 'computer' or 'computing' or other variations
  • Use an asterisk between words to match any word. For example, 'a midsummer * dream' will return results that contain the exact phrase 'a midsummer night's dream'