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FutureMe is the CII online career coaching platform, and has thousands of articles, podcasts, videos, courses and interactive tools to assist you in every part of your career, whether you need help adjusting to change, are looking for a new job, or just want to brush up on your skills.

You just need to sign up for access to over 5000+ videos, eLearning assets, articles, interactive assessments and personalised development programmes.  It will help you:

  1. Develop the skills you and/or your team need for the future.
  2. Find support for internal progression, from career conversations, to AI Feedback on your interview technique.
  3. Find expert career coaching advice on all career related topics; how to develop your resilience, how to network more effectively and how to build on your strengths.

The site can be accessed from anywhere using your log in details, enabling you to use the resources whilst fitting into your individual lifestyle. The content is updated weekly.

Why not join the 10,000+ active members on Future Me, and start your next career journey?


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