Our journey
Annual Report 2022
A period of significant progress in modernising our organisation despite significant challenges.
Strategic manifesto launched with 5-year focus on:
- transforming the CII
- reinforcing our purpose of “building public trust”
- Public Trust Index launched as a benchmark of our profession’s success
- Insuring Futures programme established to conduct meaningful research on the risks the UK public face
- Review of Chartered undertaken to ensure the titles are fit for the modern market
- Agile ways of working initiated internally, enabled by move to modern offices
- Corporate governance review conducted and implemented
- New corporate Chartered “ethos” implemented
- Review of individual chartered status undertaken
- Insuring Futures programme focuses on improving resilience for all
- Digital Ethics companion guide to Code of Ethics landed
- New corporate Chartered “ethos” announced following consultation
- Aspire Apprenticeship Programmes launched to help develop young talent
- New IT infrastructure enables members to self-inform, self-serve, pay and chat in an up-to-date way during the pandemic
- Reliance on physical exam centres, written exams, physical CPD and networking events initially leaves the CII exposed during pandemic causing issues for members
- Digital transformation programme accelerated to support the CII’s ongoing place in a digital world
- New Chartered title for underwriting agents launched
- Post-pandemic return to a Group operating surplus thanks to support from Local Institutes and work to reduce operating costs
- Buy-out of the Defined Benefit pension scheme started, enabling future operating surpluses to be used to deliver improvements for our members
- Shaping the Future Together stakeholder consultation conducted
- FutureMe platform launched to support prospective talent and existing membership through their career journey
- The PFS commissions independent review of governance
- Strategy for next 5 years communicated
- Strategy for next 5 years in development
- Improvements to assessment methods and qualification delivery implemented
- Professional Map launched to allow members to manage their career development, designed in consultation with members
- Pilot of Membership via Professional Experience agreed
- The CII appoints additional Institute Directors to the PFS Board