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The Education and Training Trust

Furthering the education of insurance and financial planning professionals and the general public

The Education and Training Trust of the Chartered Insurance Institute is a registered charity led by an independent Board of Trustees.

The charity aims to advance the education and training of those employed, or pursuing employment, in the insurance and financial planning professions, as well as educating the general public about said professions and their role in society.

The trust achieves this by awarding grants to charitable initiatives that further these objectives, in line with their Grant Giving Policy. The trust supports a number of initiatives to achieve these goals.

My Personal Finance Skills (Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award)

The My Personal Finance Skills programme provides free financial education workshops to schools.  The module provides young people with important life skills and financial awareness.

Building on the initial success of the programme, the trust awarded a grant for the development of a 12 week financial skills module for inclusion in the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award scheme.

Insurance Museum

The Insurance Museum will house insurance artifacts and showcase the story of the profession in Britain. The Education and Training Trust awarded a grant to the museum for the development of virtual exhibitions that will raise public awareness of the role of insurance in society.


The free online career coaching platform, with access to thousands of articles, podcasts, videos, courses and interactive tools to assist you in starting your career.

Contact us

Please direct any inquiries to Note that no commitments are made to consider or respond to unsolicited applications for funding.

The Education and Training Trust of the Chartered Insurance Institute is registered at Companies House under number: 02812416. It is also a registered charity under number: 1021017.