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- Format Preference: {{prod.Format}}
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- Edition: {{prod.Edition}}
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Underwriting Practice (M80) provides an understanding of the key influences of the regulatory and commercial environment on underwriting, underwriting policy and practice, use of statistical data, risk pricing and risk exposure and control.
It also looks at how the UK regulatory regime has evolved, including the most recent context and reason for those rules incorporated in The Financial Services Act 2012 and how the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) impact the underwriter's role.
We look at significant legislative aspects that create new challenges to the way in which the underwriter is permitted to operate in a more consumer orientated environment.
We look in detail at the role of capital and its impact on the underwriter, the underwriting cycle and the effect that major events can have on that and whether, as these increase in severity or frequency, the solution can be provided by the insurance market, central government or a mixture of both.
Building a successful career in insurance
This course is ideal for anyone seeking a career in underwriting or looking to gain knowledge and understanding of underwriting practice. Underwriting Practice (M80) counts towards a Diploma in Insurance. It may also count towards the Advanced Diploma in Insurance.
Please note it is assumed that you already have knowledge of the fundamental principles of insurance as covered in Insurance, Legal and Regulatory (IF1) or equivalent examinations.
Summary of learning outcomes
Units treated as equivalent
Due to the extent of syllabus overlap, certain combinations of current and withdrawn units will result in only one award of credits.
If a withdrawn equivalent is held you may not need to complete a current unit in order to satisfy a qualification's completion rules. Clarification should always be sought from CII Customer Service.
Find out more about credit awards for equivalent units
Course delivery
Instructions on accessing your course on RevisionMate will be sent to your registered email address. This is typically within two working days of your order being placed, but may be longer, particularly if payment is made by bank transfer or the unit is available as a pre-order.
Study material - editions available
2024-25 edition (applicable to exams sat 01 May 2024 to 30 April 2025)
Revision aids available
The revision aids available for this unit are listed below. You can find more details about these here.
Format: {{prod.Format}}
Edition: {{prod.Edition}}
These updates are Learning Solutions updates for study purposes.
2024-25 edition
To view a list of the main areas of change in the 2024-25 edition, please click here
Study text updates:
2023-24 edition
To view a list of the main areas of change in the 2023-24 edition, please click here
Testing Position
The M80 Examination Guide for exams from 1 May 2016 to 30 April 2017 was first published in February 2016. Any questions which have been amended since the examination guide was first published will appear below.